
Friday, March 29, 2024

More grey tote finds

 I'm still on the road, but I scheduled this post before leaving.  Last Sunday I dug deeply into the "Big Grey Tote", and made more interesting discoveries.  

There were a couple of awesome chunks of fabric that demanded to be made into Kitty blocks right away, so I did just that.  There are now 22 kitties - a whole herd of them!  And another Zipper block was made too.  Every little piece out of the tote and used is a victory.

One more zip lock bag was pulled out of the tote.  Have you ever done any Seminole piecing?  Some years ago I began some project with what must have been a Seminole border. I have no idea where this project was headed. But I'm sure I can find some use for them. 

In the bag was one completed strip, and 19 more in various stages.  I pressed these and finished sewing the  last of the pieces together.  The strips are 2.5" wide after trimming the points off, so will finish at 2" width.  There are even 2" strips of the black already cut in that bag, most likely meant to be sewn on each side of those Seminole strips. 

I'm still not sure how I'll use these but the extra fabric is been pressed, folded neatly and is all tucked back into the bag with the 20 Seminole strips.  I have a stash drawer that has fabrics that are black with bright colors, and that seems like a good place for these until I decide what they'll become.

In the very bottom I found flannel yardage that was obviously purchased for self-binding baby blankets because there were 2 "sets".  That flannel was refolded and went directly into the canvas cube holding my other flannel yardage. Those self-binding baby blankets make awesome gifts.

On Monday we had a blizzard going on, and my monthly pinochle group postponed. So I dug back into that tote again and worked through another small batch of scraps.  A few Loose Goose blocks were added, along with a bunch more squares and rectangles added to the small bins.  The bin with the 2.5" x 4.5" bricks is getting full.  Time for more Potato Chip blocks using the bricks.  And more of the smaller Loose Goose (3-D) blocks like in the photo.

Two more purple Zipper blocks have been added to the mix too. The one on the left has 2 different lime green squares in it because I didn't have enough of either scrap piece for 6 alike.  And you know, it's not a problem as they are similar shades of green.  

I would estimate that the tote is now nearly half empty, which kind of amazes me.  But most of the easy things have been pulled out, and that leaves a LOT of small odds and ends yet. 


  1. I know you're having a good time on the big is that gray tote, anyway? Bottomless, perhaps?

  2. The grey tote must be HUGE! You’ve unearthed some great fabrics and projects from its depths.

  3. That must be one huge tote! But you've done so well at using up and finding a home for what you've pulled out so far. Love the black and brights border. That's a fun find.


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