
Saturday, March 2, 2024

RSC24 #9

I'm excited about a new color for the month of March. How about you? 

The sashing is now cut for a set of RSC blocks from 2022.  There are 20 of these elephant blocks in a variety of colors and it's time they become a quilt. I'm doing a simple sashing and cornerstone layout with an outer border to finish it off.  The sashing is this black with colorful drips and splashes. The cornerstones will be colorful and pulled from my 2.5" square bin.  

Another RSC project is ready to bind - the Small Hearts quilt.  It's a nice big crib size.  And I've picked up 2 other scrappy quilts recently that need binding.  

I'm quite pleased with the red sewing that happened in February with lots of blocks added to my RSC collections.  There also were other small projects with lots of red, such as bags and a tree skirt.

The kit for the shamrock pillow was actually pulled out of the closet for the Green month of January, but not made until February.  Still a win in my book because now I can enjoy it for March!

Another scrappy project that went to retreat with me a week ago was this little stack of mug rugs.  The tops were done and sandwiched with scraps of batting and backing.  So I finished the quilting and binding on them.  Now they are finished.  There is even some red there.  

I've been speculating this past week on what color Angela will choose for March.  It was so exciting to see that purple is the color for March because that color needs to be under control.  Ironically, one of the bags I pulled out of the big tote had these 5.5" purple and white HSTs in it, and on Wednesday I used some backing scraps with them to make this doll quilt top.  


  1. I remember your elephants and love them! (I think I even have the instructions to make one stashed away here somewhere...) How wonderful to be getting so close to a finish on the scrappy hearts, too. You got a lot done in February!

  2. You made some great progress in February. I'm looking forward to seeing the elephant top come together. I'm glad that purple is the color for March, I only have 4 Wild and Goosey blocks made and need a lot more for that project. Happy stitching this month.

  3. Congratulations on having another RSC quilt ready for binding, Sara!! Remind me of that "Shamrock" pillow next year when GREEN rolls around, will you? Super cute pillow! It looks like you did a nice job on sewing through your RED scraps last month. Those mug rugs would fit well within the parameters of the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge. We would gladly welcome you to the Link Party!

  4. Look at all those beautiful blocks!

  5. The pillow is perfect for March! Looks like you made progress at retreat!

  6. I am anxious to see your UFOs too.I can’t seem to get to mine, so I’ll celebrate your finishes! LOL! That is a nice pillow for March decorating. I used to have a lot of little things that I sat out for holidays! Now I prefer pillows, table toppers , mug rugs and such! Much less dusting!

  7. Oh geez! I just about fell over when I saw your shamrock pillow! My BFF gave me that kit 2 Christmases ago. I really meant to make it for this year but there is NO WAY I have time now. Maybe I'll get it done whenever light green month comes along! Hahaha! Thanks for the reminder and good job on yours!

  8. Your elephants are going to look fabulous with that great sashing fabric.


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