
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Tree skirt ready to bind

I picked up the Bargello tree skirt from the quilter yesterday, and have to say I'm thrilled. 

She used a gold thread, and quilted a Christmas-y holly design in this.  It's beautiful.  The kit had a red included for the binding, but I keep thinking it's too pretty to cut into binding.  So I may look for something else to use.  

It was haircut and manicure day, plus running several errands - topped off with grocery shopping.  That meant there was little time to spend in my sewing room.  Today however, there should be lots of sewing time available.


  1. errand days really cut into your time doesn't it. I've got a hair cut early afternoon on Friday and I know I won't get much done that afternoon as by then I know I will need to pick up a few things at the grocery store so will do when I'm in town

  2. Very pretty! Hope you can find something fun to use for the binding. Errands and doctor appointments (PT) all do cut into our sewing time. Hope you get in some good sewing room time today.


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