
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Antique quilt

In the guest room at my cousin's house in Minneapolis was an interesting surprise - this quilt made by my mother over 50 years ago.  My cousin pointed out this little reminder of Aunt Jane (my mom).

My aunt (sister to my mom) had a custom drapery and slipcover business.  She collected trimming from the drapes and slipcovers in big cardboard barrels.  When a barrel got full my mom often took those scraps, and then made utility quilts out of the pieces.  The backings were usually cotton sheets, and they were all tied, not quilted.  We used them until worn out.  Mom made a lot of these and gave most away.   They weren't pretty, but they sure were warm. 

I slept very well those 2 nights under this old quilt.  


  1. These utility quilts were how quilting got started! Your mother would be pleased the quilt is still being used. Happy vacationing!

  2. No wasted fabric in those days. How fun to sleep under a quilt your mother made.

  3. that must have been nice to see the quilt made by your mom!

  4. An eclectic assortment! What fun it must have been to see it -- and sleep under it -- again.

  5. Oh what a super fun surprise - and a little hug from your mom!!

  6. What fun too see! I bet you did sleep good!


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