
Friday, April 26, 2024

Decluttering & sewing

 I'm still working on the decluttering, a little bit at a time.  And so far it's helping me keep at it by being "accountable".  I'm keeping a list (spreadsheet) of items that I'm getting rid of.  Seeing that number climb has been giving me some real satisfaction.

Three random boxes from the basement were the goal to empty this week.  This box wasn't very big, but sure had some interesting things dumped into it - probably when we moved last time. It's a mix of things to keep, and things to get rid of.  The other 2 boxes were mostly books.  Some of those have been donated, and some were books my girls wanted. Either way, they'll be out of my house. Yay!

Sewing happened yesterday too.  The Beehive project is all assembled, except for a final outer border that hasn't been selected yet.  

All of the Boxed Squares (an RSC block set from 2023) have been sewn into "two-sies" and "four-sies".  These blocks finish at 6".  The centers are bright colors, and the frames alternate from dark to light in lot of shades of black and white and grey.  

It has been a productive week again.
I'm linking up with Friday Finish or Not:  


  1. OMG you really were productive this week. Quick work with the Beehive, I like it!

  2. Cool projects!!! And oh my, how much fun is it to go through a treasure box. LOL

  3. Interesting box of odds and ends:) The quilts are both taking shape!

  4. Good on you for getting on with decluttering, something I should really be doing. I love your framed blocks.

  5. You've been doing a great job with your decluttering project. And have definitely done well at working in a lot of stitching time. Both quilts are looking good.

  6. Good job on the continued decluttering!!! thats a lot of work isn't it?
    But I love the quilts you are working on - that boxed one is really cool!!!


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