
Monday, April 1, 2024

Design Wall Monday - April 1

 Another Monday, and another new month!  Happy April Fools' Day!!  

Check out lots of design walls today at:

My design wall this week holds ONE really important project with a tight deadline - Olivia's costume for her school musical.  She will be a dog who turns into an ottoman in Beauty and the Beast.  Once I get the costume ready for her to try on next weekend, then I can play with some quilting projects.  

There is an interesting mix of textures in this bag of supplies - brocade, tassels and gold fringe for the ottoman cushion, and plush and fake fur for the dog part of the costume.  I anticipate a lot of vacuuming will need to happen as I work on this. LOL

I've had several people ask just how big is the "Big Grey Tote" that I've been working to empty, so here is the scoop on it . . .

When we moved to this house 18 years ago, I had my whole sewing room packed into 5 or 6 of these big Rubbermaid totes for the move.  Each of them was labeled to identify the contents.  They are pretty good sized as you can see.  My 24" ruler is laying on top in this first photo.  As you can see, the tote is about 30" long.

And it's 18" deep, so it holds a LOT of stuff.  See the label on the side?  This was the only one of these totes still in use, and ironically the 18 year old label (UFOs and kits) is still pretty accurate.  But over the years I had dumped other things into the tote.  It was tucked away under the table that butts up against my sewing "desk", and I had slid a couple of storage drawer units in front of it. You can see those drawers in the background above.

The tote is about half empty at this point, but now I'm determined that it WILL get totally emptied out, and put into the storage area.  And hopefully never to be filled again with quilting stuff I don't want to deal with.  I still have a long ways to go with that goal. But since it's in my way in the sewing room, I'm likely to keep plugging away at it.


  1. I don't know how many of those Rubber Maid totes I would need if I were to pack up my sewing room - too many for sure

  2. The costume looks like it will be a complicated one - good luck to you.
    I admire your persistence in emptying that tote. Sometimes it's hard to muster up any enthusiasm for old projects. But, most of the time, once you get into it, the joy returns.

  3. Oh that costume is going to be fun. I've not sewn clothing in so long I don't think I remember how at this point. Hope it goes together smoothly. That is a large tote. You've done well at moving along on dealing with the contents.

  4. Olivia's costume sounds complicated! Good for you to tackle it, Grandma. AH! the Great Gray Tote comes to light. Silly me--I'd imagined a grocery store-sized tote bag.

  5. Have you made costumes in the past? Wishing you lots of luck with it:) I use rubbermaid tubs to store stuff in too, I might have a few tucked away, LOL.

  6. ooh I'm looking forward to seeing the dog/ottoman. That's a challenge to make I'm sure. I bet you could hardly move that tote when it was full! good luck getting it cleared out. I have my dad's wooden sea chest with fabric in it. Every once in a while I open it to see if there is something I can use -- fabric for placemats or dog beds? Who knows what else is in it. It needs to be sorted, used or given away. Or not....


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