
Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Mid-week progress

Happy birthday to TWO of my grandchildren today!!  Olivia and Jonah turn 11 today.  The twins were born during a brutal ice storm that hit eastern South Dakota, but today looks like a delightful spring day of sunshine and temps in mid 60s.  

Yesterday morning I had some good quiet uninterrupted sewing time before it was time to get ready to leave to attend an orchestra concert where the 2 grandkids with birthdays were involved. 

The pink butterfly is all done.  This one has a LOT fewer pieces than the yellow one did, so it was a fairly quick block to sew.

The blue and purple butterflies are all ready to sew today - hopefully.  The colors in this mini quilt are what drew me to buy the kit.  These are such bright spring colors. They are happy colors.

The other 3 yellow versions of the 16-patch churn dash blocks came together quickly too.  Those little 16-patch units were made at the February retreat.  I have a green one all ready to sew as well.  There are now 4 completed yellow blocks and 4 completed purple blocks.  One green and 1 red are done too.  I'll work on those previous colors a little at a time.  

I cut the parts for 2 of the Dutchman's Puzzle blocks, and got one of them sewn.  These are using batiks for the colors, and scrappy white-on-white backgrounds.  All of the blocks will have aqua (in various shades) paired with the RSC color of the month.  The plan is to make 2 each month.

My plan today is to sew this morning, handle some chores this afternoon, and watch Survivor while binding a quilt this evening.  Should be a good day.


  1. Those butterfly blocks are really pretty, love the colors. Looks like you got lots done before you had to head out. Happy birthday to the twins!

  2. Happy Birthday to the Ice babies haha!!Glad today is warmer!
    your pink butterfly is gorgeous!!!

  3. I love the butterflies! Would you be willing to share where you purchased the kit - or the designer's name? Thanks

  4. Pass along my Birthday wishes to the grands!! Those butterflies are so pretty!

  5. Love all your RSC plans! So cheery with the yellows.


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