
Saturday, April 20, 2024

RSC24 - Week #16

 There hasn't been a lot of focus on yellow this week, but there was still a lot of scrap usage going on around here.  

I finished a couple of yellow mug rugs.  There are 2 more like these but with the colors reversed.  The other 2 still need to be quilted and bound.

Yellow was a deliberate choice for the Riley Blake challenge this week.  Block #12 is Flip Flopped by Sandy Gervais.  Everything here came from the 30s scrap bin. 

More of the Kitty blocks happened this week again, but only 1 is actually yellow - kind of.  The background of that "house" print is bright yellow.  But all of these blocks used up more small chunks of fabric from the various bins.  

And there is yellow in this small quilt.  It's a Villa Rosa pattern, and is 48" by 60" as is.  I'm still not sure if I want to add an outer border or not.  It might be a more useful size if I add a 6" outer border, but that decision can wait.

Let's see what others are doing with yellow this week . . .


  1. Lots of pretty and sunny yellows in those projects. Your cat blocks are such fun. Happy stitching this weekend.

  2. I have a 30's scrap/stash and I love sister had to wear play clothes made from feedsacks so she doesn't get it...
    kittens! the yellow kitty is so sweet

  3. The bright project is just beautiful!

  4. Fun seeing the different things you worked on this week! I love the design of those mug rugs. Cute Villa Rosa design, too - it looks fast and fun, just like they say!

  5. Pretty and fun projects you've worked on this week. Cute mug rugs and I love the cats!


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