
Monday, May 13, 2024

Design Wall Monday - May 13

Our Saturday evening was spent attending the school musical Beauty and the Beast.  One granddaughter was in the cast, and the other was sitting in the audience with us.  So much fun!! 

The costume worked out just fine.  They added some of the extra fake fur on the knees because she needed knee pads under there. She spent most of her time on stage on her hands and knees.

Olivia played Sultan the dog that turns into an ottoman.  I'm quite amazed at what 4th and 5th graders can do.  Olivia attends an A+ elementary school, which is a designation requiring a Fine Arts focus. Their academics are also pretty impressive.  

I began quilting the tulip door hanger project, and hopefully will be ready to bind it later today.  It will also get hanging loops so I can hang it from the hooks on my front door.  

My iron died, so before I do any more piecing I'll need to replace it.  The iron is a nice Black and Decker that was less than a year old.  It was working fine on Friday.  But on Sunday afternoon the light comes on but it won't heat up at all.  Do you suppose the solar storms got to it?  Not likely, but I guess I have no idea why it won't heat up.  Sigh . . . not what I want to shop for today. 

One of my projects last week came together quickly on Friday.  This flimsy is Ebb Tide, one of the Villa Rosa patterns in the pack I won during their blog hop.  I made a couple of cutting errors so this is not exactly like the pattern.  And I only wanted to use 2 colors instead of 5 or 6.  But this makes a pretty cute baby quilt, especially with the lions in that lighter print.  I know I'll use this pattern again but pay closer attention when I'm cutting the fabrics next time.

Well, once that door hanger project is quilted I'll be working hard on the new Saturday Sampler blocks, the next Riley Blake challenge block, and quite possibly a patriotic door hanger.  And I have a small handwork project in the works.

What is on your design wall this week?


  1. I'm so glad the dog outfit worked so well! I'm sure she was thrilled her costume was so nice, you did a great job. Happy stitching!

  2. Olivia is just beautiful.
    Your costume is fantastic. Only a loving grandmother can produce such a fine creation. Love it!!
    Sharon M

  3. Your granddaughter is such a cutie! Clever putting her hair in pigtails to look like the dogs ears. I like your Ebb Tide! I have a hard time with irons too, if I get 2 years out of them I am lucky. Part of it for me is I leave water in them, but mine I use almost daily for long periods of time. Which reminds me I need to clean mine again.

  4. the costume is so cute glad it worked out for her!

  5. The play must have been such fun -- especially after all you put into that costume. Happy sewing this week!

  6. Super great costume!!! i like the ide of knee pads too!
    and your quilt tp is pretty!
    Hope you find a new iron very soon!

  7. How fun to see the dog costume and its person. It look like it really worked well. We were at a middle school performance of Annie Junior and it looked like they might have rented a dog costume. Yours is much cuter! It looks like your Ebb Tide works wonderfully well as a baby quilt. I always like when fabric can do the work of making a quilt look like a baby quilt. Hope you have a great, quilty week.

  8. Your granddaughter is adorable as Sultan the dog!!! Super cute job on the costume, and her make-up is a cute job!!! Your Ebb Tide looks perfect to me! That is such a good baby quilt pattern!

  9. The same thing happened to my B&D! Lights on but nobody's home! LOL. At this point I don't put a lot of money into an iron because I use it daily, I just want one that gets HOT! You G-Daughter is adorable!!!

  10. Your granddaughter is adorable in her dog costume! I was a 4th and 5th grade teacher in my working career - I love that age. Your tulip door hangar looks like it's going to quilt up nicely. Hope you find a new iron that you like - one year is not a long time to have one that fizzles out on you!

  11. Your Granddaughter looks so cute in her stage make up. Sounds like you had a very busy weekend in and out of the sewing room.

  12. Your Grand is so cute! What fun for you to see the play! This week I am mowing lawns and going to Dr appts and trying to get ready for a garage sale next month!


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