
Monday, May 27, 2024

Design Wall Monday - May 27

My design wall is now consumed by a new/old project, and I'm determined it WILL be a finished flimsy by the end of the week. 

What's on YOUR design wall?  I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday . . . 

And with Monday Musings . . .

This will be a graduation gift next spring for my great-niece.  Horses are her passion, so when I saw the Call of the Wild panel a couple of years ago, I bought it knowing I would use it for something for her.

Black and white is so elegant.  My thoughts had been to use just one other color in whatever I did with this panel.  And I chose the Twisted Panel pattern from Pieced Tree.  The teal, grey, and black will make up the ribbons down each side of the panel.  The teal might become the final outer border too, as I know I want it larger than the pattern calls for.

Of course, you all know this isn't the only thing I'll be working on during this week. But it's the most important project of the week.

One other on-going task has been the decluttering.  Thank you to Joy at Joyful Quilter for the inspiration by the way!  In the past month I've been working my way through things one box or bin at a time.  As of yesterday, 398 things have been given away, donated, set aside for rummage sale, the trash.  It all started with the Big Grey Tote in my sewing room.  Onward - and I'm beginning to see empty spaces on those shelves.  And there is a stack of empty totes. 


  1. Teal and black with that panel is going to be a lovely quilt. Good luck with all the decluttering. I'm slowly working on that as well. Not so much in the sewing room, but in the rest of the house.

  2. I think the teal and black will be beautiful with that stunning panel. Wonderful and inspiring choices, Sara.

  3. Congratulations on your decluttering success -- and more so that you've kept count! The colors you've chosen will really enhance the panel.

  4. The teal with the black and gray is perfect for bordering the horse panel! That looks like a lovely gift for your niece. And you're getting a great head start on next year's graduation gift, too!

  5. Love that panel, it's going to make a great quilt for your niece.

  6. Gorgeous panel and I love the teal and black with it! I know your niece will love it! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!


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