
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Reflection on May 2024

I'm such a List Maker!  And it's so satisfying to check something OFF my lists.  This was my To Do list for May, and I've checked off everything on the list.  That's a first!  

  • keep up with Saturday Sampler - DONE
  • finish Riley Blake challenge blocks - DONE
  • assemble Rainbow Connection blocks into flimsy - DONE
  • bind one UFO - 2 DONE (Elephant quilt & Sea Otter wall hanging)
  • lots of pink RSC blocks - DONE
  • finish 2 pillowcases - DONE
  • finish 2 project bags (partially done) - DONE
  • choose one new project/PIG - DONE - Tulip Door Hanger
  • EMPTY the Big Grey Tote - DONE

Quite a few things happened that were not on this list too.  All considered it was a productive month.  I'm definitely looking for more finishes in June. 


  1. Hip, hip, hooray!! You really did have a very good May:)

  2. A very impressive number of accomplishments for May. Fingers crossed that June is just as productive.

  3. Congrats on making thru the list - that was a long one!!!
    I have been know to add things that I have already done to my list - just for the satisfaction of crossing it off - haha!


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