
Saturday, May 4, 2024

RSC24 - Week #18

 The pink scrap bin has been overflowing, and the pink stash drawer won't even close right now.  And of course there was quite a lot of pink in the Big Grey Tote that was added to the mix this week. 

Therefore, there has been quite a bit of pink sewing happening here the past few days.  The Night Vision blocks look complicated, but are actually fairly quick to sew because the pieces are good sized.  The Kitties are really fast to put together, and so are the Zipper and Loose Goose blocks.  The string centers in the Beads block and the 16-patch centers in the Churn Dash blocks were already made, so the rest of both blocks came together quickly.  

Another set of RSC blocks has become a quilt top!  This one is Boxed Squares, all made with 2.5" squares and 2.5" strips.  It's 48 x 66, so a good size for a kid or a snuggle quilt on the sofa.

I did go back and made one of the red 16-patch churn dash blocks.  The 16-patch section was hanging with several others just waiting for the churn dash parts.  

I'm linking up with Rainbow Scrap Challenge today:


  1. Very pretty in pink blocks! Boxed squares turned out nicely. Happy stitching this weekend.

  2. I love your pink blocks! And the Boxed Squares is really great! Congrats on your great work!

  3. Ooh, Boxed Squares is a great design. And I really like the Night Visions block.

  4. I always love seeing your Night Vision blocks! It's so great that you get two extra blocks out of them, too. Boxed Squares looks great! It's such a good feeling when you get those RSC blocks into a top!

  5. Does that mean you are caught up on your RSC for May already?

  6. I like your boxed squares top with the black and grey backgrounds, great idea for a boys quilt.

  7. I love the Night Vision pattern. I see that you turned the bonus HSTs into pinwheels right away. Smart girl. If you deal with them right away, they won't collect dust. Boxed Squares turned into a lovely quilt. Very teenager I would say. Great job! ;^)

  8. Lots of pretty pink blocks! You've been busy! Loved the Boxed Squares quilt, so pretty.

  9. The red is striking! You are making great progress!

  10. Congrats on another quilt top. It looks so cheerful! May has just begun and you are almost done with your precious pinks. Those cats are so cute :-)

  11. That boxed squares quilt is really neat. I have a bunch of black type fabrics.... that might be a good way to use them! Thank you for the inspiration.

  12. I love your Churn Dash blocks. Might have to try one of those and see where it leads.


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