
Saturday, May 18, 2024

RSC24 - Week #20

 Check off one more RSC finish!  And it's a UFO to check off too.  Yay!

This is the Elephant quilt, and I love it.  My reluctant quilt holder kept standing in the shade, and holding it crooked. But you get the idea of how bright the border actually is at the bottom where the sun hits it.  The quilter did Baptist Fans on it and the texture is wonderful. 

The 12" elephant blocks were part of my RSC sewing in 2022-23.  The colors of the elephants are bright and cheerful.  And the border is a gorgeous Laurel Burch print.  This is actually the third quilt I've made using this block pattern, which was a free pattern I found online many years ago.  Unfortunately the blog it was on is no longer active.  I'm sure I'll use this pattern again in the future so it's safely tucked into my binder of "favorites". 

A third 14 x 18 inch strawberry block joined the other 2 this week.  These are made with 2.5" squares, and so fun.  I have a second tiny one - using 1.5" squares - about half done too.

With a large UFO finish to celebrate, it seemed like a good time to pull out another PIG from the collection.  I have way too many kits waiting in the wings. but I'm trying to work on at least one each month.  Some are big projects and some are small projects.  Some have been in the drawer for a long time, and some - like this one - are more recent purchases.  I chose this one because it has plenty of pink.  And because it will be used immediately for summer.  And look - more strawberries!!

It's another Shabby Fabrics paper pieced mini quilt.  The kits have great instructions, plus all the fabric needed including the backing and binding.  The other nifty feature is the little stickers to put on the parts as you cut them.  This mini will finish at 13" square and fit nicely in the small wire hangers.  I have 2 of these hangers - one on each fireplace hearth, and switch them out frequently.


One of the four blocks is done.  There will be 2 pink and 2 red blocks.  

I'm linking up today with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.


  1. Congrats on the Elephant finish. I can see why you chose those tasty looking little strawberries to work on next.

  2. strawberries AND elephants! can't go wrong there!

  3. The elephant quilt turned out beautifully! Congrats on a very fun finish. Any plans for the quilt? Your paper pieced strawberries look like a lot of fun. Happy stitching on those this weekend.

  4. I love your elephant quilt, Sara - great finish! That border fabric is really perfect for it. And the paper-pieced strawberries are wonderful! They'll make a fun mini quilt.

  5. The elephant quilt is awesome! The sashing you used is perfect for it!

  6. love the elephants! and oh those strawberries...look delish!

  7. The elephants are majestic. Quilt holding is an art and you need so many attributes - height, large arm span, shoulder strength, patience, and an absolute fealty to the quilter/photographer. It is a tall order!!! Congratulations on the finish. Happy Sunday!

  8. Oh my, just look at that wonderful herd of elephants. The border fabric is perfect.

  9. Hurray! The elephant quilt so impressive, and what a wonderful border! I loved seeing the blocks every month as you made them. You've got lots more great projects in the works, too. Good luck, and have fun!

  10. Yeah!! The elephant quilt is done! Good for you! It is a beauty. You need to bribe the reluctant quilt holder!


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