
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Shredding and stitching

 Sewing took the back seat to work and lots of errands yesterday, but I did get the final Riley Blake challenge block sewn.

Block #16 is Point the Way, by Gerri Robinson.  I haven't decided yet on a layout for these, but did go back into the previous years blocks and chose 4 others to add to the 2024 blocks.  I think it will be easier to make a decent sized quilt with 20 blocks.

This is what took precedence over sewing . . . an enormous pile of old contract books from my husband's company.  He plopped that pile right next to the rocking chair in my office.  After several years it doesn't make sense to keep duplicates and other extra paperwork that already exists digitally anyway.  My job in the next few days is to take each book apart and shred all the pages that have proprietary info on them.  At least I'm getting paid for this work.  

Today - if it doesn't rain - I have a window washing crew coming to the house.  We're getting too old to be up on tall ladders washing windows.  I'll keep shredding while the crew handles the window cleaning. 


  1. I agree we are all getting too old to be up on ladders!!
    looks like a lot of shredding to do - remember to let the shredder cool off now and then :)

  2. My monthly investment reports filled a 4" binder every year. I looked up "what to keep" online and was shocked at the advice to "keep everything -- digitize it." Before I did that I came to the realization that what I needed to keep was the year-end summary, not every single month's fluctuations.

    It is scary where personal information can be found. At a garage sale I perused a yearbook from an area high school -- 1971 or so. The endpapers were a photo collage of teen rights of passage and included a driver's license (the yearbook editor's, I figured out). Back then Illinois driver's license numbers were Social Security numbers. So that woman's SSN is printed and available for anyone to purloin (and has been for 50+ years). My university had its own student number system, but when my sister went to U of I the student numbers were SSNs. College records are kept forever (I had to get a transcript about 25 yrs ago); I assume they eventually redacted the SSNs.

  3. I like that last block. Looking forward to seeing which additional blocks you pick. I've been tackling all the paperwork in our office off and on for a year or so now. Shredding isn't hard, but it is time consuming. Hopefully, you are getting paid by the minute for that chore.

  4. That is a cool block!
    and blech to the paperwork - but! I see fabric money there haha!


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