
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Tulip door hanger & other progress

You know how sometimes you make a project and don't like it very much?  And then it gets quilted, and you find out you really DO like it?

Well . . . I think this is the opposite problem. I liked it fine, until it was finished and hanging up. Now I'm not sure I like it at all.  There isn't enough contrast between the pale pink and the background, so the tulips are fading away.  This was a kit, so I used what was provided.  I did the quilting myself, and it looked OK while it was laying flat, but hanging up on the door it looks very limp.

Those hanging loops also allow it to droop.  If it were quilted more densely, it would help.  I may try a different hanging method, but that doesn't solve the color issue.  Even my husband, who almost never notices any of my quilts, said it looked too pale.  I'm quite disappointed.

Put a Spin on It (by Amanda Niederhauser) was the Riley Blake challenge block #15, released this week.  This block was so much faster and easier to make, possibly due to her directions.  She had us make 4 identical quadrants and then sew them together - rather than putting it together in rows.  I think that helped that center pinwheel come together perfectly.  I'm going to keep that technique in mind.

I had other progress on Wednesday, as I worked on several different things.

All 12 of the Saturday Sampler blocks are done.  The hard thing about doing Saturday Sampler is waiting for the next month.  LOL   So far with this SS program, we've been doing the "boring" blocks first.  Last month we did 12" HST blocks.  This month we just used black and white.  But the rest of this quilt will be a riot of color so I think it will be a lot more fun in the coming months. 

And I got binding onto 2 projects - the Elephant quilt and the sunflower vinyl bag.  The Elephant quilt is a UFO that was a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project.  The bag is all trimmed, but the quilt still needs to be trimmed before starting to hand stitch the binding.  


  1. i think if the quilting design were different it might be more pleasing....the vertical lines detract from the tulips themselves, rather than making them stand if you are in the mood to fix it, i'd take it out, outline the tulips and focus the quilting on the background...that way they would stand out more even without the high contrast of the fabrics of the tulips...just my 2 cents, not trying to offend...

  2. Sorry that the tulip hanging didn't turn out the way you'd hoped! I wonder if there's any way you can salvage it or repurpose it. (I guess the ultimate would be to cut it up for potholders.....) On the other hand, the tip for assembling the Spin block is great! Looks as though you'll have a couple of other finishes soon.

  3. Sorry about the tulip hanging. I thought too it looked so pretty earlier but now it is rather blah. Since the binding is on, it's too late to add more quilting. Maybe it would help if you added a sleeve to the back and use a wooden dowel rod for more stability? I think I learn something with every project I make. I don't think I've ever been completely satisfied with any quilt I've made. There is always something I would do differently. Enjoy the rest of your projects!

  4. Sorry the wall hanging didn't come out brighter. Maybe it could see another life as a table topper? Enjoy your stitching time today, you've been making really good progress.

  5. Inadditiontoaddingsomemorequilting,youcouldusecrayonstodarkenthecolour.(don’tknowwhymyIpadisdoingerunonsentences.sorry)ilikeModa’snewblocks,especiallythosewithgoodinstructions.enjoy.jillincochrane,albertacanada

  6. Well that is a bummer that you don't like the tulips now. Here is an off the wall thought, could you use a colored pencil to go over the pale tulips to make them brighter-try on a scrap piece first to see if you like the look? For the quilting stitch another line of stitching in between the rows already done.

  7. Perhaps it is the color of the door and the vertical stitching. You could always add some hand quilting. Or maybe it is better as a table topper like on your old sewing machine! Sad when things don't turn out like we thought. You have been so busy!


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