
Monday, June 10, 2024

Design Wall Monday - Hanging the Sea Otter

 Time is flying by way too quickly for my comfort!  Yesterday was our oldest grandson's 13th birthday. How did he get to be a teenager already?  

Happy birthday Mason!

Meanwhile back at Grandma's house on Sunday, I got the Sea Otter wall hanging hung up in the guest bedroom.  I specifically ordered the metal hanger in a size (36") that worked for this quilt.  Every time I walk into that hallway I'll have a view of the Sea Otter hanging above that bed.  

The old maple bedroom set in that room belonged to my aunt and uncle originally.  Our girls slept in it when they were little and shared a room in both houses we lived in while they were growing up.  Now it is our guest room.  I have 2 different blue and white quilts that usually grace that bed.  Years ago for Saturday Sampler we were challenged one month to make a bonus block in blue/white and anyone bringing a block had their name entered into a drawing to win all the blocks.  My name was drawn and I used them to make this star quilt.  

I also got the 4 new blocks made for Saturday Sampler.  This was month 3 of Rising Above, this year's 
Saturday Sampler at our local quilt shop, The Pin Cushion.  Solids are not usually my jam, but I'm liking the bright colors and high contrast so far.

I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday . . .

and with Monday Musings . . .


  1. Wow we both have Grand teenagers as the oldest!! Happy Birthday Mason:) Sea Otter looks perfect with your blue quilt.

  2. once they hit the teenage years it seems like the years so by even faster

  3. The kids do seem to grow up so quickly. You find a nice place for the Sea Otter wall hanging. It's nice to be able to see it during your day. Happy stitching this week.

  4. I covet your otter. We have otters on a nearby river. In fact Fredericksburg, Va has otter statues throughout the city. We had a fun day with our grands finding all of the critters. Supposedly they are coming back to the river but we've never actually seen a live one there. On the other hand, we don't go down there often. The grands were under 8 so loved finding them. Needless to say, I am a fan of otters!

  5. Happy birthday to Mason. Is he taller than you now?
    The sea otter looks quite contented in his (her?) new surroundings.

  6. The sea otter wall-hanging turned out beautifully! Looks like you found the perfect spot for it, too. Happy Birthday to your grandson!

  7. Happy Birthday to your Mason, he is very handsome! Nice finish on the Sea Otter I can see why you picked that room for him:)

  8. Aww, happy birthday to Mason! They really do grow up too quickly. Our oldest turned 15 in February and got her permit. She's in drivers ed this summer! Her brothers turned 12 in December and already 5'8" tall without shoes! Wow. time flies! Love your sea otter and it looks great hanging in the bedroom! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!


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