
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

It's Wednesday already?

It's the last Wednesday of the month, which means a fun coffee/lunch date with a bunch of retired ladies from the school district I taught in for 2 decades.  Once a month it's great to catch up with old friends.

On the decluttering front - I took a break for a couple of weeks but am digging back in this week.  First thing OUT - 3 bins full of adult size Halloween costumes, mostly sewn by me and worn several times.  The community we used to live in had a big annual adult costume party and dance at Halloween that was a fundraiser for summer youth activities.  We had a LOT of fun coming up with costume ideas, and won a few prizes for them.  In 1983 we went as the Fruit of the Loom guys - green grapes covered up my almost 8 months pregnant belly.  My husband wore the purple grapes, his cousin Alan was the apple, and his mom was a "bunch of leaves".  Hmm - somewhere there must be a photo.  In the early 90s my sister-in-law and I made 2 Care Bear costumes - pink and blue.  There were lots of others, but those are what remain. They will be leaving the house tomorrow with my daughter when she's in town for a funeral.  There is a very nice empty space on the shelves in the storeroom without these bins.

And on the quilting front - the pieces for the Tranquility mystery quilt clue #1 are cut.  I'm sewing the strip sets for that as Leader/Enders while assembling the rows of the Chaser blocks.   The parts for a final outside border for the Liberty Box are cut too.  It would be great to have a couple new flimsies all sewn and hanging in the closet before the end of the month.   


  1. Those costumes sound really fun. I found my stash of hand made costumes from Grad School in Grad Girl's room. They were so much effort, I'm not quite ready to let them go just yet. But I did get the rest of the stuff taken to Goodwill before we left for Texas. The room is definitely much cleaner now.

  2. I bet you guys were so cool looking - what a fun idea for costumes!
    and go you for picking up the decluttering again....


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