
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Mid-week already

Tuesday was a no-sewing day.  I got a pedicure in the morning which always makes me feel pampered and spoiled.  The afternoon was spent playing cards with girlfriends.  All-in-all a good day!!

On my way out the door in the morning I noticed the stargazer lily has exploded with blooms in the last couple of days.  And so many more buds ready to open.  I wish this bloomed all summer.  There is a dark red one of these on the other side of the house but it's looking a bit sad so far, with only a few buds showing.  I'm starting to wonder if something is nibbling on that red one.

I did sew up a couple of these quick Split Back Star blocks on Monday afternoon while digging around in my Quilt of Valor stash of fabrics.  This was a free pattern on the QOV website a year ago.  Our group has used it in several quilts now.  I've added these 2 blocks to the growing stack for another one.

Monday evening I finished the binding on this table topper.  The flimsy was found in that tote I cleaned out and I decided it was worth keeping.  I absolutely love the stitching design that Carol used on this one.  I plan to have her use this design again for me in the future. 


  1. I love lilies and they rarely ever fail to produce well

  2. The purple and gold table topper is such an intriguing design!
    Yes, pedi'd toes feel good.

    Stay cool!

  3. That is a great design on the runner. Your flowers are so very pretty!

  4. Your lilies are very pretty! You had a good day, I have never had a pedicure...not sure I would like it:) I did have a manicure about 55 years ago:)

  5. Sounds like a fun day of pampering and friends. Those split star blocks are really fun, I need to add that one to my bucket list. The table topper turned out beautifully, that quilting pattern is really pretty.


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