
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Murder and mayhem

 We had a murder on our deck 2 nights ago.  I didn't get any crime scene photos before the clean-up began but it was a big mess.  The victim was a dove, but we're not sure what predator was the perpetrator.  It happened sometime overnight, and before 6 am as that is when we discovered the body.  

Our best guess is maybe a hawk or a cat. We have both around here. We've watched hawks dive quickly to attempt to catch rabbits and other small prey.  But we also have stray cats around. We'll likely never know for sure what critter was tearing apart it's dinner next to our deck table. 

The mayhem?  A home improvement project.  After cleaning up the mess made by dead bird parts, blood, and feathers scattered across the deck, my husband decided to pressure wash the deck floor and that led to a decision to stain it again.  The chairs are out on the lawn, but my big heavy flower pots, the grill, and the stone table were just moved to one side while he stained one section.  The next day we moved it all again so he could do that other section.  About an hour after he finished that last section of staining - we had a sudden thunderstorm roll through.  We'll see how the rain impacts that new stain. 

My task - but not today - is to use the small sander to sand the railing and we'll eventually get that stained again too.  I'm not one of those people who enjoy doing these home improvement projects.  It cuts into my sewing time.  LOL

All 7 rows of Shibori Blues are assembled.  I need to cut the strips for the inner and outer borders yet, and finish the big Flying Geese for that outer border.  Before borders it's 60 x 70.  


  1. The blues in the quilt are lovely! This is going to be beautiful, happy stitching!

  2. growing up we had cats and same thing happened, only with mice...ewwww

  3. I agree I don't like doing those home improvement projects, but I sure enjoy the final results! I need to re-stain my glider after all this rain leaves the area. The blue blocks might be plain in the piecing arena but they sure make a great pattern when put together.

  4. I have neglected my deck awfully - it needs pressure washing so badly and I intended to do it last year and it didn't get done I said I was doing it this spring and didn't - Mike never does it and finds excuses to not do it so if I want it done I usually do it myself.'
    Sounds like a mess on your deck and hate when that stuff happens so close to the house

  5. Shibori Blues Is going to be a beautiful quilt.

  6. Hopefully the sanding goes quickly and you can get back to stitching soon. Shibori Blues is looking good. You'll have a finished quilt top soon.

  7. That is a big project! Hope it goes well, we got 2 1/2 inches overnight and it has been raining all day another two inches is in the rain gauge maybe more.


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