
Friday, June 21, 2024

Shop hop day - cancelled

UPDATE:  We got a total of 7.25" of rain with this storm, and expect more heavy rain later today.  The geranium in the photo below has been stripped of those pretty blooms by the 2" per hour that fell in late evening.  And my petunias are laying flat.  Sigh!  Probably no sewing today as we'll be cleaning up some water in the basement.  We have all tile floors there - and my sewing room stayed dry overnight - but we did get a bit of water as the sump pump died.  Thank goodness we checked on it frequently!  It was dry in the sump hole at 10 pm but overflowing by midnight.  We switched that out about 2:30 this morning with a small backup pump.  That will need attention today. 

This was supposed to be the day of our guild shop hop.  Unfortunately it was cancelled due to Mother Nature.  It's still raining, but by the time I went to bed at 3 am we had gotten over 7" of rain - most of that falling between 9 and 11 PM.  I have been afraid to look at the rain gauge again since getting up this morning at 5:30.  I'm going to need a nap later! There is no travel recommended in town and the interstate is even closed thanks to flooding over roads.  This part of the country doesn't do well with that kind of rainfall - hence the cancelled bus trip.

I'm glad I went out on Wednesday evening to take a picture of this little geranium, because all of the flowers are looking a bit worse for wear this morning after nearly drowning.  I don't remember the name of this geranium variety but it's a miniature one and the flower petals are variegated with deep fuchsia and bubblegum pink.  So pretty!!


  1. that is a lot of rain - no fun when it is raining that much

  2. That's an extraordinary June rainfall. Better to stay home and dry than to get stranded. Surely you will find creative ways to occupy your time!

  3. Oh my that is a bunch of rain, sorry you had to be up during the night attending to that. We got 2" this morning, now it is just a few sprinkles, haven't checked to see if we are getting more yet today. I am sorry the bus trip was cancelled, I know you were looking forward to it, will they reschedule?

  4. I heard on the news of flooding in Mitchell and thought of you. Way too much rain all in the same day. Hope you got a new sump pump! We have a water gives us an early heads up:)

  5. That's a lot of rain for a very short period of time! So glad you didn't have much to clean up. Hopefully it's dried up a bit since then.


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