
Friday, June 28, 2024

Straying & Strawberries

 I'm a list maker, and get much satisfaction from checking tasks off my list.  But I'm also very easily distracted these days.  I told a couple of people this week that part of my brain is disciplined and organized, and the other part of my brain just giggles and runs off to play with something totally new.

So - I've mentioned this week that the shoebox sized bins of 2.5" squares (cut from scraps) had come out because I decided to finish the Chaser blocks that use those squares.  Well, in the process of sorting out colors for Chaser I ended up with piles of other colors too.  That is where the newest distraction began.  What else can I make with  2.5" squares?  Pinterest is a great source of ideas, but can be a Black Hole I can't escape.  LOL  Then THIS happened - a couple of cats, all made from 2.5" squares and HSTs.  I think this will make a cute pillow, finished off with some embellishments and more big stitch quilting.   

The strawberry blocks came together yesterday morning.  These are also scrappy and made with 2.5" squares and HSTs.  Our Sew Vintage group exchanged fabrics for these, so there is a lot of variety in the backgrounds as well as the red/pinks and greens.  This same block is the exchange block for the guild's bus trip that has now been rescheduled.  

In total (so far) I've made 6 of the large strawberries, and 5 of the little ones.  One of each size is for the bus trip exchange, but I used the rest for this bed runner.  As is, the runner is 18" by 84", but I'm considering a narrow border all around, probably using 2.5" strips of a neutral.  I'm thinking a green binding - something bright but not lime, and not too dark.

Chaser is a completed flimsy as well, but I'll wait and share that tomorrow in my Rainbow Scrap Challenge post.   I'm happy to report the quantity of squares in the 2.5" square bins has actually been decreased significantly. 


  1. sometimes it is just fun to go wherever the scraps take you...both very nice use-it-up projects...i'm on the edge of doing the same after i finish quilting my current project...

  2. Oooh, that cat block is really fun! I'll need to save that one. I need a good scrap project for 2.5 inch strips. Your strawberries are really cute too, another fun scrap buster. Happy stitching this weekend.

  3. I am really liking how you laid out the strawberries! Cute kitties too.

  4. Great use of 2.5” squares: the cat block is adorable!

  5. Oh I like the cat block also, I can seeing using that in a sampler! The bed runner is the strawberries!


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