
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thursday this n that

 One more small finish for this week . . .

The valentine runner is all finished.  The pattern is Smitten, from Villa Rosa.  I made mine shorter and added a narrow outer border the same as the background.  

Carol quilted this one too and it's so cute. There are daisies and hearts swirling around and the thread is a soft grey so it shows up nicely everywhere.

Wednesday I went to the monthly DAR meeting and luncheon, which was hosted this time by a member to celebrate her 85th birthday.  She had the tables set so beautifully and gave gifts to everyone.  We each went home with the little vase of fresh flowers, and in the butterfly box was candy and 2 DAR pins.  What a generous lady!!

Speaking of flowers . . . my deck pots are doing well so far, especially the marigolds.  I'm not a gardener at all anymore except for a few flower pots.  I do have one tomato plant in a big flower pot on the deck and there are 3 tiny little tomatoes on it right now.  

The plan today involves the 100 mile drive to watch a couple of grandkids play ball, and to deliver a birthday gift to this week's birthday boy.  Jack has baseball and Sophia has softball - playing at the same time on fields not too far apart.  


  1. The table runner turned out beautifully! Enjoy the games, hope both grand kids have good ones.

  2. The table runner is a nice color surprise, with the dark background. Drive safely! (A deer ran across the road last evening as Irene and I were going to quilt guild.)

  3. I said it before but I am so impressed how many projects you are finishing! Love the hearts. I just took some pix of my flowers today too.


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