
Saturday, July 27, 2024

RSC24 - Week 30

 This is a transition week, moving from aqua to orange.  Oops - my color guess was very wrong!!  Dark colors like browns and blacks will be interesting too. I may have to rethink my August goals a bit. Only a little time was actually spent working on any particular color however, as I worked on several other projects this week.

Four new Kitty blocks were made using scraps - 2 of them are aqua and 1 is orange.  But the other is lavender.  As I looked through the big stack of Kitty blocks already made, I see that I do need to make a couple more orange ones for a better color balance.

I did make some string blocks this week - 2 orange and 2 red.  One more orange one is partially done.  Turns out that orange scraps were not terribly plentiful, but there is quite a bit of orange in the stash drawer so we'll see how this month plays out.

Looking through the block sets hanging in the closet at the beginning of each new month gives me a good idea of which sets are getting close to DONE.  And which ones need to be a focus going forward.  The Dutchman's Puzzle blocks have been pairing up aqua/teal with another color each month.  I made an orange one at the beginning as a test block, and I made a second one in June - because the pieces were already cut anyway.  I plan to make another orange one, and maybe another green one to fill out the numbers.  There are 14 of these blocks so far - getting close to enough.  I am aiming for at least 20. 

The orange RSC blocks I want to focus on the next couple of weeks . . .
**  16-patch churn dash
**  Stashbuster
**  Brighten
**  Night Vision

Some additional planning for this month was needed.  That map fabric (above) has a bit of orange in it, but after auditioning some options I've decided to pair it mostly with brown.  The map project is for a gift that will be needed this fall.  The tropical print is something I want to use for a summer wall hanging for myself.  A perfect orange was found in the stash, along with a yellow.  But I still need to choose a green to go with it before cutting parts for the blocks.  

Both sons-in-law are here for the weekend and playing in a golf tournament Friday through Sunday.  Their wives and kids had other things going on so they stayed home.  What do I have planned for today?  Sewing maybe?  LOL

I'm linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge today . . .


  1. Is the orange one a Kaffe Kitty? I am sure you will sew up a storm today;) I most likely won't do any sewing, the oldest grandson is here for most of the weekend. We hope to get the boat in the water today.

  2. I’m intrigued to see the Tropical wall hanging just for you. And the map fabric is very interesting. Hmmm! Love all those kitties too! Enjoy your sew day! Do you have to feed those sons-in-law? Guys are usually easy, just make sure you have plenty! Right?

  3. Your kitty blocks are so cute, love each of those fabrics. Hope you get in lots of stitching time today, you have lots of fun things to play with.

  4. Your cat blocks are terrific! Have a productive sew day today. I'm hoping my granddaughter will want to do a little quilting on her project. . . .time will tell!

  5. Ooh, a whole weekend with the guys gone playing golf! I bet you'll get a lot done! I love those kitties - so fun in any color. It's good to plan out the August projects - I need to do that, too!

  6. Those are some cute cats! Love all the bright colors!

  7. There are lots of good projects happening in your sewing world.


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