
Saturday, August 24, 2024

RSC24 - Week #34

It's Saturday already and almost the end of August.  Summer is flying by too quickly.  In looking at the calendar I realized that today would have been my mother's 100th birthday.  She has been gone for 35 years already.  

One of my goals for August was to get this RSC quilt top assembled.  Happily, I can check it off my To Do list - as a flimsy, but not quilted yet.

The 16-patch units make awesome centers to a basic churn dash block.  The same would work in the centers of star blocks too.  These were 12" finished blocks, and came together this year as a monthly RSC project.  There are still zillions of 1.5" squares in my cookie tins, so there might be more 16-patch units in my future.  This flimsy is approximately 70 x 90.   

The little zipper bag is fixed and done.  It has a little hand quilting around the hexies on the front and back of the bag.  It would be a good size to hold cords or medications or jewelry when traveling.  

Just a few orange blocks were actually made for RSC this week - String Beads.

One Shooting Star and its alternate block, plus one Kitty block.

And several of the batik Hunter's Star blocks (new project) have orange in them.  

I'm linking up to the RSC linky party today . . .


  1. Great projects -- surely you had this post ready in advance? !

  2. What a great sewing week you had, Sara! The 16-Patch Churns made a lovely top. Of course I'm waiting to see that Kitty quilt come up to a flimsy too!

  3. The hexies on the bag are really cute!

  4. You've had a very productive August and there is still a week left to finish up a bit more.

  5. Fantastic finish! I hope your trip wasn’t interrupted by all the wildfires in WY and SD.

  6. Ohhh Love your oranges!!!
    and that churn dash - oh my - i love it!! Happy Heavenly Birthday to your mom

  7. Hooray for your top finish! I love it! Still loving those String Beads. I have Chandelier blocks all made from a previous year & need to get them sewn together, then I need to make some of your String Beads. Because I don't have enough projects going. LOL

  8. Hooray for your flimsy finish. I love it!

  9. Churn Dash looks fantastic. The pieced centres give it great visual interest. That’s a sweet little bag and your orange blocks are spot on for RSC Orange. The batik Hunters Star looks interesting. Can’t wait to see more.

  10. The churn dash quilt is gorgeous and I love the string beads too!

  11. I keep thinking I should start a scrappy string beads quilt too! It's on the list for someday! I don't know if I have ever seen a churn dash set on point, sure like this one!


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