
Saturday, August 31, 2024

RSC24 - Week #35

Did I just write Week #35?  Really?  It can't be September tomorrow already!! 

I've been going through my RSC block sets, and making some plans for finishes.  The Kitty blocks are nearly enough.  Five rows are now sewn together.  But I still need 10 more in a variety of colors to set these 8 by 10.  The blocks finish at 9".  And you know what? I enjoy making these blocks so will probably continue making them for RSC for a future second quilt.

Dutchman's Puzzle has 19 blocks so far, and I've been aiming for 20. And yes - I've taken over the putting green again!  LOL  My original plan for these was to sash them and add a border.  But after laying them out next to each other I'm liking how they look just like this.  So now I'm thinking 30 blocks set 5 x 6 will no sashing would be even better.  Please share your thoughts on that as I need some input.  

The Shooting Stars blocks are adding up, but there is a definite shortage of the alternate block.  So going forward I'll be making a lot more of that simple block and not many more of the star blocks.  I haven't decided yet on a size for this one.

One of the sets of Hunter's Star blocks made this week had orange.  But that was pretty much the only orange that came into play.  This project has a rainbow of colors, but isn't a "scrappy" project, as it's using up a couple of layer cakes that have been languishing in the stash.  

 I'm linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge . . .


  1. Here Kitty, Kitty, just too cute for words! It didn't seem like you had been working on the Dutchman Puzzle very long and yet look at all the colorful blocks you have put together.

  2. Oops I forgot to say that with the Dutchman puzzle I prefer the small sashing so you don't have to match bulky seams of the blocks.

  3. Love seeing all your projects, Sara! The kitties make such a fun quilt, and the Dutchman's Puzzle is really appealing to me, too. I am trying to remember - did you keep one set of the flying geese a consistent color, and vary the others according to the RSC month? They make a really pretty design!

  4. You have some very fun RSC projects in the works. The Dutchman's Puzzle blocks are really fun, but my favorite is the Shooting Stars. Happy stitching this weekend.

  5. Apparently RSC for September is black and brown so a black cat might make an appearance among your kitty blocks. I like the way the blue/aqua geese in the puzzle help unify the bright and cheerful blocks. I'd try a skinny sashing -- say, 1" finished -- for a bit of breathing room.

  6. very nice RSC projects....keeping busy i

  7. Who says layer cakes aren't scrappy? They don't qualify as yardage. Once my yardage is down to layer cake size more or less it comes out of the stash and heads to the scrap bags. As for whether to add sashing or not, I see that as personal taste based on your plans for the quilt.

  8. The kitty blocks are adorable, so I can see why they are so much fun to make.

  9. OMGosh! Thanks so much for sharing your progress on your RSC! I was thinking about making kitties and Dutchman's puzzle for RSC2025!!

  10. Of course you have to make another cat quilt next year, these are such lovely blocks.

  11. I hate sewing sashing, so I would never recommend that to another quilter. LOL I think they look great without, but you do you. And I love the Shooting Stars with the alternates. Awesomeness!

  12. All those projects look terrific. You have plenty to keep you inspired.

  13. I'll weigh in on the Dutchman's Puzzle blocks. You don't need any sashing and I think that's due to the continuity of the turquoise in each block. It's going to be a really pretty quilt either way but that's my thoughts.

  14. Lovely progress on all, I like the Dutchman as is.


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