
Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Kitting up QOV blocks and projects

Sunday afternoon was spent at the SD State Fair, although I can't say that I took in any of the state fair food or fun stuff.  Two of us from our Quilts of Valor group did a "talk" about the QOV program.  Maureen took a few photos too . . .

The stage in the Horizon Hall auditorium had been decorated with vintage linens and sweet little antique displays.  The audience was small - maybe 35 people - but it went well I think.  I took some of our current quilt tops for Show n Tell.  

Before leaving for the fair I did some reorganizing of QOV blocks, kits, fabric donations, etc.  Actually, I made a mess in my dining room that all needs to be put away again.  And I also made a mess in my sewing room because I wanted to take one of my design boards to the fair with me - and there was another set of Split Back Star blocks on that design board.  But I have now set aside some block kits that are ready to sew, and they are back in my sewing room.  This group is 4 Churn Dash blocks (12" finished).  

Four more Split Back Star blocks were cut from some donated fabric too.  We have a stack of these blocks with scrappy blue and reds going (including the ones on that design board), so a total of 8 of these will be added to the stack when I get them made.

And then there is this QOV kit I had put together that I wanted to make.  Like usual, I got started and then set it aside to work on other things.  One of my major flaws . . . 

I needed 9 blocks and only had 3 of them finished.  The layout I plan to use is from the book Circle of Nine, which will be different from my typical for a Quilt of Valor.  All of this QOV sewing really needs to be moved higher on my priorities and not set aside again.  


  1. I to start and set aside projects, I don't think of it as a flaw-it's just our creative minds work faster than our hands, LOL.

  2. It is so easy to get distracted! Hope your QOV booth got lots of visitors.

  3. Kudos on the QOV presentation! It reached more people than those who attended because each will tell someone else, and the ripple effect from there is unknown. Good job!

  4. very nice star blocks...thank you for all you do for our vets...worthwhile endeavor

  5. You have some fun QOV projects in the works. It is so easy to get distracted, to many fun projects and just not enough time.

  6. What a great way to educate people about Quilts of Valor!! Thank you for what you and all of your group do!


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