
Monday, December 2, 2024

Design Wall Monday - Dec. 2

I haven't ventured downstairs to sew in 3 days now.  Just too much going on this weekend I guess.  On Saturday I strung the lights on our 8' Christmas tree, before running out of energy.  Then I met some friends to see the movie Wicked!  The movie was followed by good conversation over some hot beverages at the local Starbucks.  Sunday was laundry, watching college basketball on TV, and putting some of the ornaments on the tree.  Maybe this morning I'll finish with the ornaments.

A little hand stitching HAS happened this weekend - a binding on a UFO.  I've turned the corner on the 3rd side of this fairly large quilt.  This is Framed 9-patch in pretty spring colors. 

My design wall does have some things to work on this week:
*  Jonah's soccer pillowcase
*  December paper-pieced Circle of Friends block
*  lay out the prairie points on 1 Folded Star runner

And when I'm ready for some relaxing chair time I have a new small project.  Blogging friends are just the sweetest!!  Vicki at  knew I've been feeling a bit discouraged with the knee issue on top of the heart stuff going on right now, and she sent me the nicest card and a little kit for a felt snowman ornament.  Thank you so much Vicki!!  This brightened my day so much!!

This afternoon I'm set to meet with a different cardiology doctor to discuss next steps.  He is an electrophysiology specialist.  From there we'll go on to watch a college basketball game.  

So, what's on your design wall today? 


  1. Cool little ornament. We're college basketball fans too. Although I'm more "in the room but not paying all that much attention" type fan. It sounds like you had a nice weekend with lots of socializing. Hope you have a good week. And a little sewing time.

  2. Sounds like a busy, but fun week. Getting out of the sewing room sometimes makes you enjoy it more when you get back. So sorry this year has been so hard on the health front. Hopefully the MRI gives you a direction on the knee. Cardiology stuff is hard too, My Guy had his annual check in with his cardiologist last week. Thankfully, he's good for another year.

  3. I somehow missed you were having heart issues also besides the knee - I hope you find out answers this week on both

  4. Hand stitching on the binding is a really satisfying kind of sewing to do, especially when you can't get to the sewing room! That Vicki is a gem - what a cute little project she sent you. I'm so sorry you're dealing with these health issues - that can really be discouraging. Sending you good and positive thoughts for some answers!

  5. Wicked is a box office smash for sure. Hope the doctors can provide needed information and recommend useful therapies.

  6. Hope you get some good advice from the Dr. I haven't been in the sewing room since Friday!! I need to get back up there and create.

  7. Sending prayers for you as you address health problems. Feel free to join my weekly Sew & Tell party at Melva Loves Scraps.

  8. Boy I sure hope the Doctor visit was good or at least with some plan for you!


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