
Thursday, December 26, 2024

Quiet Christmas

We haven't celebrated Christmas with the family yet, so it has been pretty quiet around here the past few days.  We're looking forward to gathering with the family on Saturday. 

All 4 flowers on the taller stalk of the amaryllis are open, and the second stalk buds are beginning to open up.  This flower has sure kept us entertained as we watched it the past couple of weeks.  It's quite an amazing plant.

The photo isn't very good, but the snowman door hanger is all assembled and ready to sandwich for quilting.  I finished this up about 10 am on Monday.  And by 11:30 am I was in the ER once again for another of the SVT heart episodes.  They got my heart slowed down fairly quickly.  But I've decided that I've been in the ER too many times recently when one of the nurses actually remembers me.  The January 7 ablation procedure can't come soon enough. 

My energy level has been pretty low since Monday, so I've been doing some hand quilting and working on a puzzle.  And reading of course.  

We opened up our gifts to each other Christmas Eve after supper.  Dave got me a generous gift certificate to the local quilt shop.  And he gave me a hand written "coupon" good for a trip of my choice, but limited to 10 quilt shops.  LOL  I actually managed to surprise him this time.  My husband frequently stands out in the yard observing the night sky.  He has mentioned how much fun a telescope would be - so I bought him one.  He's one of those guys that talks about something he wants, and then goes out and buys it for himself.  I did have to tell him on Thanksgiving not to order one, but he didn't even guess that the big box he had carried into my office a couple days before that was his telescope.  Now, we need a night sky that isn't obscured by fog and clouds for a change. 

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends!


  1. So sorry you had another episode, two more weeks to go...hope you stay steady now. What a wonderful gift a telescope is...I love the night sky also!

  2. Your amaryllis is lovely! Mine aren't off to a good start this year, I may have flowers by April. Good gift for your husband, he will have a lot of enjoyment out of it.

  3. yay for the snowman hanging, boo for the trip to the ER... so sorry!
    Love the presents - you guys did good ;-) only 10 quilt stores allowed on a trip eh? haha!

  4. Sending more good thoughts your way, you are going through some very scary stuff. Your amaryllis is entertaining us too, thanks for sharing. Your snowman mini is gorgeous, are you going to quilt it yourself? You and your hubby exchanged some very impressive gifts.

  5. Your amaryllis is beautiful. Indeed they are amazing plants. Cute snowman door hanger. So sorry you had to go to the ER again. January 7 is here before we know. Such a great gift to your husband! ...and gift card to the QS for you! Anything specific on the 'to buy' list?

  6. So sorry you landed in the ER again. Hopefully that's it until you can have your procedure in January. Love the telescope idea (My Guy already has one). And Your Guy gets you too, sounds like you'll have some fun shopping in one of the shops.


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