
Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Nantucket bag

One of the small project kits that was on my To Do list for this month was a bag. 

The kit included a mini charm pack, the lining fabric (pink with daisies), the fusible batting, and a zipper.  I bought it at The Pin Cushion locally.  The pattern is a free one to download from Moda called Nantucket Summer.

My goal yesterday had been to get the mini charms sewn together, sandwiched with the batting and lining, and quilted.  Those steps didn't take nearly as long as expected, so I just kept going and finished the bag - all in one sitting.  It took me only a couple of hours total. 

It's an easy pattern and one that I might make again.  It's about the right size for travel size toiletries or maybe all the cords for my devices when traveling.  I'm thinking of making another from a really cute fat quarter rather than piecing the outside.  And it would be easy to adjust the size.  


  1. So adorable. I have that pattern, might have even made it:) Did you get snow? Up north toward Minneapolis had some last night.

  2. 2-3 inches of powdery white shoveled today -- SO FAR! In Minneapolis

  3. very cute indeed....what is the zipper length...

  4. very cute....what length zipper please? i didn't see it mentioned in the requirements

  5. Very bright and fun. You picked some cute fabrics.


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