
Friday, January 3, 2025

Contemplating goals

My regular readers know I'm a list maker and spreadsheet keeper.  Well, realistically there are too many items on my list to all be on a reasonable goal list.  So I'm trying to pare things down a bit.

January goals . . . see what I mean?  Way too many things on this list. 

* Finish final 4 blocks for 2024 Saturday Sampler
* Choose fabrics for new 2025 Saturday Sampler
* Choose fabrics for the Riley Blake Design (RBD) Challenge
* Make January paper pieced block for Circle of Friends
* Make extra blocks for batik Hunter's Star
* Finish hand quilting Guild Swap Stars
* Finish binding Star of Wonder (Christmas wall hanging)
* Bind Scrappy Kitties quilt
* Blanket stitch pink Cat applique block
* make lots of scrappy pink blocks for Rainbow Scrap Challenge 


  1. You do have lots of goals, but it is nice to have several to choose from. I would first choose something that is time sensitive, and then small things to feel accomplished! Good luck:)

  2. One at a time . . . and you'll have check marks next to each of these!

  3. You can do it! January is a long month!

  4. As someone commented on my goals post, if you don't identify what you need to do, you won't get anything done. Good luck with this month's list.

  5. That is my problem too. Too much to put it a list and then to feel overwhelmed by it. I'm not ditching the list as I love to have a list. It keeps me on the path but I removed the deadlines. It will get done when it gets done. It is very liberating to think this way. I feel good with my plan this year. Here to a productive year. Cheers! ;^)


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