
Monday, January 20, 2025

Design Wall Monday - January 20

 There was absolutely no time in my sewing room over the weekend after a week really full of sewing time.  We just had so much going on both days this weekend.  

I did however do some binding in the car while headed to events.  I'll share those finishes another day.  One of those finishes - another doll quilt - was a winner with "binding chicken".  I had pulled a leftover chunk of binding from the drawer to use.  After matching up there was a 3" piece of binding left.  That was close.  

There is just ONE quadrant left to sew for the Saturday Sampler from 2024, so I should be able to finish that top this week.  I'm determined.

Another possible flimsy this week?  Maybe.  I think my border plan for the Woven Hearts quilt will remain simple.  Having this one reach the flimsy stage this week would be awesome.   

One new pink project is on my cutting table right now.  This is the Valentine door hanger kit, and yes, I'm beginning this a bit late to have it finished for Valentine's Day.  But this one should be much quicker to make than some of the previous ones.  There are not many small pieces in this one. 

And speaking of cutting, a lot of cutting and prepping actually happened on Friday afternoon while I was still feeling ambitious.  I still had fat quarters pulled out for more Churn Dash blocks, but as I was organizing some scraps for another new project I came across some that had just enough remaining to make a couple of the Churn Dash.  Yes, there are more bright and cheerful blocks happening this week. 

As for a scrappy NEW project - you'll have to wait and see what these become.  Everything in this photo came from scraps, some of which you'll possibly recognize from sewing projects from this past week.  

The first Stay At Home Round Robin clue will be posted today, so I'll be figuring out what to add to that pineapple block I've chosen for the starting point.  And tomorrow the second block of the Riley Blake challenge will be posted.  Plus, you know I'll be playing with other pink blocks for RSC.  

Oops!  Sounds like more Pin Ball sewing this week - bouncing from project to project.  But it's cold outside, so staying in my sewing room is a good plan. 

I'm linking up today with:


  1. You sound pretty organized to me. I like the dog fabric "Ruff". Heck, I like most of the fabrics you are showing. Looking forward to seeing what the next scrap project is. Keep warm!

  2. Ah, yes -- binding chicken, the cousin to bobbin chicken. Isn't it great to win? LOL. How are your teams doing this season?

  3. I love the name Pin Ball sewing! That's what I've been doing lately, too. So, not much progress in one thing, but a lot of fun and variety.

  4. Getting the binding sewn down to finish a quilt is always a good feeling! I'll enjoy seeing what you're making with those scrappy pieces, too. Have a fun sewing week, Sara!

  5. glad you won binding chicken...i too am working on a valentiney project...and trying to stay warm too!

  6. You've got a lot going on in your studio, Sara!!! Organization + momentum!!!

  7. You have so many fun projects to play with this week. Looking forward to what you decide to add to the pineapple block.

  8. You must be having so much fun playing pin ball, LOL.

  9. Sara, there's nothing wrong with pinball quilting! LOL Love it. That woven heart quilt is so pretty! Thanks for joining us at Monday Musings!


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