
Wednesday, February 19, 2025

A small squirrel and small finish

A squirrel has crossed my path, and of course I had to chase it.  

It's a small squirrel . . . but could get kind of messy.  It involves lots of small cut-outs, and was traced onto fusible before ironing it onto the pink fabric. 

There was a small finish - actually more than one - that I'll show off today.  The 4-patch doll quilt is all done.  The pink squirrel above was sitting on this little doll quilt and you can see I used some of the leftover cat backing I have.  The quilting is just simple diagonals through each of the 4-patch units.

This doll quilt is 24" square, and is the 6th one I've finished so far this year.  I've challenged myself to make at least one per month using up orphan blocks and leftovers.  There were still 5 of those 4-patch units in the bag.  Since they are just 2.5" squares, I zipped my seam ripper through them, and dropped those squares into my bin holding that size.  They are more likely to get used from the bin than in a bag hiding in a drawer.  

The other finishes are baby quilts that I finally got bound, and I'll share those another day.


  1. that is a cute design embellishing off of a four patch - it makes it really interesting.

  2. The pink scraps look like a sculpture. Your doll quilts are akin to my placemats -- satisfying finishes that use up random units.

  3. Those are interesting pink remnants:) You have been busy inside! Tomorrow I venture out to take Far Guy to his infusion then pick up groceries at Walmart Pick up and go to Hobby Lobby:)

  4. I wonder what that squirrel is up to! Looks interesting. Pretty doll quilt. Love the way the 4-patches show. Great way using up scraps and other bits and pieces.


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