
Saturday, February 15, 2025

RSC25 - Week #7

It's been bitter cold here this week, so just perfect to hunker down and sew.  With a focus on blue this month I've been working on some Quilts of Valor blocks as well as some scrappy projects.  

  There are 55 of these 8" (finished) blocks now.  I haven't decided yet how I want them laid out, and whether or not to add a border.  They are very addictive to make.

 These string blocks are pieced on muslin foundations, and are squared up at 9.5".  When I opened the project box with the muslin squares I found a partially finished brown one.  I finished that one and added a blue one.  And I sorted out more blue strings. 

Those additional blue strings became 3 more blocks later in the week, in between other projects.  They make great Leaders/Enders.  There are now 37 of them but I'm aiming for 48 blocks total so more will happen.  

The hanger these blocks were clipped to was getting very full, so I've taken 12 of them and begun assembling a top.  

And speaking of Leaders/Enders, I've been working on a Piano Key border a little bit at a time for a scrappy UFO that I want to finish.  Again - all of these are scraps.  

One more scrappy project that surfaced this week - a scrappy 4-patch doll quilt flimsy.  This one is about 20 x 24.  I will dig into the backing leftovers and see if there is something that would work for this and try to get it quilted soon.

I'm linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge . . .


  1. I've seen string blocks on more than one post this week, and getting the urge to make some myself! Yours are so pretty in the rainbow grouping - I like that setting that forms diamonds. I love the peek at your doll quilt with the four patches, too!

  2. The QofV blocks look great! I love the strings with the big white center. That makes such a nice secondary design. And piano key borders are always a win!

  3. The white centers make the rainbow colors stand out. Stay warm!

  4. Thanks for the idea with the 4 patch; I have a box full of yellow/blues that are just hanging around needing an idea. This is it!

  5. You were very productive this week again. Love those string blocks. I'm with Diann on this one. The more I see these string blocks, the more I want to make some. Great way of using up those 4-patch. Stay warm. ;^)

  6. You have some fun block projects in the works!

  7. Those quilt of valor blocks are going to make a beautiful quilt. So are the string blocks. Even with all that scrappy goodness, I'm betting the scrap drawers are are still really full.

  8. So glad to see you jumped in the string bin!!!

  9. So many options when it comes to string blocks. I like the idea of your scrappy piano key border. Perfect way to finish off a scrappy UFO!

  10. I like how your diamond chain blocks are progressing!! its going to be a great QOV!!
    and all the other ones look great - you have good projects to keep you warm inside!


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