
Monday, July 2, 2012

Another 4th of July project

Do you save magazine patterns thinking you just had to make it soon?  I do - and that is both good and bad I guess. Unfortunately, I could never live long enough to make all of the things on my "to do" list. I recently purged some of those things I've torn out of magazines.  But this little project I just had to keep.

This is called the Hexagon Star. It was a pattern by Kaye Woods that was published back in 2006 in the Fons and Porter Love of Quilting magazine. It is small enough to fit on my kitchen table - just 20" from point to point.

The center is a hexagon with prairie points on top to make the star shape. Then it is edged by 3 simple borders.  I did make the outer border a bit wider than called for because I wanted it slightly bigger and because I wanted to show off the blue and white stars.

I had lots of scraps left from my patriotic spicy spiral table runner, but not quite enough to do this. So I purchased more of the red star fabric and then saw the blue star and had to buy some of that to use on the outside border.  The rest was done with scraps.  I think this one calls for very minimal quilting.


  1. Very pretty- perfect for the 4th and other patriotic holidays.

  2. That block is lovely. Thank you for sharing it.

  3. Also a very effective Christmas topper!


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