
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lil D' Vious

Unrelated to anything "quilty" - but I wanted to share a fun family photo.

Both of my girls are athletes.  My younger daughter has been involved in roller derby for the past few years. The is Women's Flat Track - and lots of fun to watch. This group of ladies has really become like a family, and have built some deep friendships.

When my granddaughter was born this spring these ladies brought in meals, gave m mom pedicure when she couldn't reach her toes . . . you get the idea.

They also brought lots of great baby gifts - including this little onesie with the Roller Dollz logo on the front and Sophie's own version of mom's derby name on the back.  Mom skates as Sandra D'Vious and now Sophie is Lil D'Vious!!  Now that mom is back skating, she has her own tiny cheering section. 

1 comment:

  1. Really cute picture! Lil D'Vious is such a name. I used to watch roller derby when I was in junior high and I soooo wanted to do that when I grew up. But you know it has never been around where I live. I think I'm too much of a cream puff anyway. I'm so NOT a tomboy.


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