
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Selvage UFO

Today has turned out to be a good sewing day because it is really hot and windy outside (99 degrees and at least 20 MPH wind).  Way too hot to play golf, which was our original plan for the day.

I'm really excited to get this UFO finished.  The 16 blocks are 10" half square triangles made with a black dot and selvages.  The selvage half is on a muslin foundation piece. 

I bought the yellow inner border fabric the other day and have enough to do the binding in this same yellow. The 8" outer border is from stash fabric that I "found" in a drawer this winter.  I had 3 yards of it and used 40" for this border. That leaves me lots more to use in some other fun project.

My photo below looks so washed out.  I didn't want to go outside in the heat and wind to try to get a better photo, so this is the result.

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