
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Help . . . I need a THEME

I need to come up with a theme for a Row Robin quilt. Our local quilt guild is going to do a Row Robin quilt project, which is similar to a Round Robin and should be lots of fun for those of us who choose to do it.  The Row Robin will require us to provide the sashing and the initial center row for our quilt.  The center row will be 4 blocks (12.5") plus the sashing. Then the next person will add a row based on specific guidelines for size and a sashing strip, and then the next month another person adds a row and sashing. There will be 7 rows on the quilt.

 Right now I'm kind of leaning towards a summer theme or patriotic . . . something that I can enjoy before, during, and after the 4th of July.  Or a fall theme with lots of rich fall colors.  But there are so many other seasons, holidays, and color schemes to consider.  

So I'm asking for some ideas.  How about it readers?  Can you suggest some other possible themes for me to use?   

1 comment:

  1. HI Sara. I "DO" Fall because I'm a pumpkin nut. Just ask the grandkids and even my own kids...I call everyone PUMPKIN....LOL
    And what am I working on now? A BOM called PUMPKINVILLE. Yeah, I"m a bit nuts over pumpkins and Fall. LOL

    Good luck!!!


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