
Friday, January 18, 2013

I got sidetracked

I've been admiring the frilly knitted scarves that everyone seems to be wearing around here. But I really don't remember my knitting skills enough to make one. However, this week I had someone show me how to make the same scarf using a crochet hook. That I can do!

So I stopped at Ben Franklin Crafts and bought some of the Sashay yarn used in these. So many yummy colors to chose from. And the good news is how fast it goes. This one is half done already. And I can work on it while curled up on the couch under a quilt.


  1. I bought some of that type yarn on vacation last summer and haven't used it yet... gosh, I wonder where it is? Love those colors!

  2. OH my word, how nice!!
    I had no idea that there were any Ben Franklin stores even left. I thought they all were closed.


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