
Monday, January 28, 2013

I love striped binding

I really love the look of a striped binding, and this cute stripe is going on the owl baby quilt. The same stripe is on the burp cloths I made to match.

This is ready to sew onto the quilt. If it had not been so chilly in my sewing room yesterday afternoon I might have gotten that accomplished yesterday. So hopefully after work today.

We are expecting freezing rain and snow tonight. Is it wrong to hope for a snow day tomorrow so that I can sew instead of work for at least part of the day? In between shoveling my driveway of course.


  1. I like striped binding, too, and have used it on several of my quilts.

  2. Love those snow days - not driving in freezing rain, mind you - but home snuggled in under a quilt (my cuzzin made us a beauty!!) reading/knitting and NOT working . .

  3. Bring it to Missouri and sew. We have windows open, it's 66 degrees. Wait Friday it's to be 9. CrAzY Missouri!


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