
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Setting small goals for February

I have decided that I need to set some small goals for the month of February.  My UFO list has a bunch of things on it that only need binding and labels. Lots of other UFO items are literally "in pieces" yet and need much more attention.

So I'm going to try to tackle 2 easy finishes, work on at least 1 other UFO, and allow myself to play with some new projects.  Here are my February goals:

Needing binding and label:
1.  Hugs & Kisses baby quilt (pictured here)
2.  Owl baby quilt

WIP needs lots of attention:
1. Put sashing on Terrain version of Fat Quarter Stars

NEW project:
1.  Row Robin blocks for guild project (make my 4 blocks to start project)


  1. The border fabric on your Hugs and Kisses quilt is perfect. I love the colors and the hearts.

  2. Love your hugs & kisses quilt! I have one of these in my UFO Collection. I'm thinking about Feb. goals too... January feels a bit too much right now but I think I'll push for another good month and then dial it back a bit in March.

  3. Is it that time already? Time to think about February? This looks like a very doable list and I like that you have old and new things - that's the way to go. The hugs & kisses quilt is so pretty - it should be a lot of fun to work on. I couldn't remember if I was following you or not - so I clicked on the follow button today.


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