
Monday, June 3, 2013

Another Traveling Star

I made another Traveling Star block on Sunday.  My regular readers know that our local guild has a tradition of members bringing a 6" square of fabric for each member whenever they travel and have an opportunity to visit a quilt shop.  This one came from a member who visited Orange City Iowa for the tulip festival this spring.  No tulips were blooming yet due to the cool spring weather but this fabric was in full bloom.

I've been taking those 6" squares and making a star block with them.  That way I don't have to cut into any of them.  Scrappy white backgrounds and star points made with coordinating fabrics that read solid from a distance.  This was a pink fairy frost left over from another project.  A good use of scraps.


  1. Such a pretty and happy, star block.

  2. The block looks great and you are keeping up with them so well. What a great little surprise every once in a while to get a new square.


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