
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Generous friends

I've met some great people online since I began blogging a few years ago.  One of those people I've also met in person and now have shared a couple of things via mail.  A couple of years ago I made a block for her in a friendship exchange project.

Moneik read my post about the Scrappy Trip Around the World blocks that I'm making from blue and green batiks.  She offered to share some with me that were left over from her own projects.  I was tickled pink! 

And Monday I got a soft squishy little package in the mail.  Not only did she share some blue and green strips of batik, but added a few other gorgeous colors as well. I know these will find homes in other projects because I just love batiks.  Thanks Moneik - can't wait to add these to my blocks!!


  1. Lovely fabrics and colors. Enjoy!

  2. Enjoy! I got another 32 strips cut for my project too. Can't wait to see how yours turns out, since mine is going to take a while.


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