
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

1930s reproduction prints

I've pulled a few prints from my stash of 1930s reproduction fabrics to use in the next Row Robin assignment. My regular readers probably remember that our local quilt guild is doing a Row Robin project.  Lot's of fun!  Each month we receive a box or bag with another guild member's quilt top and our task is to add something specific to it.

This month we are adding 12 blocks (finishing at 4" each) on the top row.  All of the fabrics in the quilt I received are 1930s prints, so I dug into my large stash to select a few that might work.  Now I just need to figure out what to add that will fit in with this quilt's theme. 

I can't reveal the result until September when we all get our finished quilt tops back at the guild meeting.  We are even voting on the best 3.  I'm planning to take lots of pictures.  And I can't wait to see what has been added to my own quilt.

1 comment:

  1. Your fabric selection is great - I love the yellow and the green together. Very nice.


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