
Monday, July 8, 2013

UFO Mug Rug

While sandwiching a table runner for quilting I kept thinking I was missing a lot of my curved safety pins.  Mystery solved . . . they were holding together a couple of other projects.  So I hand quilted this little mug rug over the weekend.  And now I have more safety pins available.  And I can check off another UFO.


  1. Too funny! I have way too many safety pins because I have mine and moms and I now hardly ever use them, but when I went to pin my chevron quilt I only had one container of them out. The rest are packed away.

  2. An interesting block - do you remember the name?

    1. Nancy - I don't remember the name, but it was from one of the recent 100 Blocks issues from Quiltmaker magazine. I think I want to try this in a whole quilt because it should form an interesting plaid effect I think.


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