
Monday, August 5, 2013

Cathedral Windows UFO

Some of the drawers that hold my fabric stash are very neat and well organized, but some are NOT.  So last night I decided to pull one drawer out and do some sorting and folding while watching TV.

And in the very bottom of this drawer were a couple of big surprises.  One of those surprises is this UFO - a pillow top (and back) that I made several years ago. It is a cathedral windows design made with muslin and a Christmas batik. I even have little gold star buttons at each point.

It's about 18" square and needs to be stitched together and stuffed.  Maybe I can finish it by THIS Christmas!

And - I'm happy to report this stash drawer is now completely organized and will hold a lot more fabric now.


  1. This is just gorgeous... another block I'd love to try one day! Love it in the batik and those buttons are perfect.

  2. Isn't it fun to find these treasures?

  3. Adorable pillow top, hope you'll finish it soon!



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