
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Traveling Star #23, 24, and 25

After not doing any sewing or cutting all week and resting my wrist, I decided today that I needed to see if I could sew without pain. And the answer is YES!  Needless to say that has made me happy, although I know it isn't healed, so I'm trying to be careful about how I use that left hand.

So my first sewing project today was to make 3 Traveling Star blocks, bringing the total to 25.  As my regular readers know, the 6" center of each star is a square shared by quilt guild members when they have traveled somewhere. I've added a couple myself, and I've gotten one out of a scrap bag just recently.

#23 is from Wyoming (I think), #24 is from Oregon, and #25 is from Texas.


  1. Yeah for no pain! And I just love that Texas bluebonnet print.

  2. So glad your hand is better and that you were able to return to your sewing room.

    Love the blocks!


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