
Friday, September 27, 2013

A little self-pity

We all have some weeks that just don't lend themselves to any "fun stuff".  This has been one of those weeks: no sewing, very little reading, but lots of hours driving, 3 days when I facilitated workshops and 2 days of attending training myself - all in different towns, miles apart. And too tired at night to even think about sewing.

So TGIF - and after work today I'm going to a wedding, tomorrow is a neighborhood party, and maybe Sunday I will go shake the dust off my sewing machine. Finally - some fun stuff. Happy, happy, happy.


  1. Some weeks are just like that good thing we have our sewing and books as a reward!!

  2. Hopefully your Sunday sewing will be all the sweeter! Hang in there...

  3. Be careful on the highway - you will be able to do fun stuff soon.

  4. My sewing machine has had a very lonely month. :-(
    Enjoy your fun stuff!


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