
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Random sewing is lots better than no sewing

I finally got to do a little sewing today. I was supposed to play golf, but my wrist and hand just can't handle it yet. So . . . I went with sewing instead.

I added 4 more rows of 2.5" HST to this little project. These are all made from left over bits cut off of flying geese blocks from another project. Now I'm going to dig in my stash to see if I have a pretty fall print to make a border. And mayb I'll have to go buy something next week.

And I made 2 more of these red/yellow pinwheel blocks for the extra border on my summer mystery quilt.  The rest are cut out and ready to sew.

Then I made another one of these blocks from an old (really old) UFO project.  

Plus I made another string block with a red center, and I sewed on the binding to 3 baby burp cloths. So I feel like I got a lot accomplished today, even though it was totally random.  Now I'm sitting in my sunny family room trying to finish hand stitching the binding on the Dr Seuss quilt so that will be ready for the October baby gift.  What a relaxing way to spend my Saturday.


  1. Very nice Sara. Your hand, my foot...together we could quilt! :)

  2. Great projects! I haven't used my sewing machine since June. I'm sure it thinks I have abandoned it for my knitting needles.


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