
Monday, November 18, 2013

A pink and brown finish

I finished binding this quilt back in early October and was able to check it off my UFO list, but I kept forgetting to post a photo of the whole quilt.  This one I'm keeping because I really love the colors and the blocks.  This was a Saturday Sampler from a couple of years ago. Why does it always take me so long to finish them?


  1. I have always been a fan of pink & brown quilts and yours is beautiful! All those pretty triangle layouts are fun to look at.

  2. It's lovely.

    I rarely finish my own quilts in less than two years. If I am working on them for others, they are finished in a timely manner. Sigh!

  3. It is really is beautiful. I love the color combination as well.

  4. If you find out why it takes so long let me know maybe it's the problem I have too!!!! Love pink and brown.

  5. So beautiful! Colours are so lovely!



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