
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Snowman runner is done

I finished the binding on this table runner on Sunday before leaving for the airport for a work related trip.  It's nice to check off another UFO. This runner is made from a fat quarter set purchased a couple of years ago. I fell in love with the cute snowmen on the focus fabric. It's quilted in icy blue in a snowflake pattern all over.  No sewing take place this week as I am in Cheyenne, Wyoming for a work project. And since there may be snow when I get home I guess this runner was finished just in time.


  1. Another great finished project!

    I hope you have a safe and successful trip.

  2. Beautiful! I love the quilting. I've thought about you a lot this week as my MIL is in Cheyenne for work this week as well. She works for Automated Maintance Systems, a cleaning company, as a manager.

  3. This is so pretty Sara! The quilting is the perfect touch with those snowflakes. I love snowmen around the house all winter long!


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